Virtual Tours: Falkland Islands
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Projects / Conservation Actions

There are 19 National Nature Reserves in the Falkland Islands as designated under the Conservation of Wildlife and Nature Ordinance 1999. They cover an area of 354km2, less than 3% of the total terrestrial area of the territory. Of these, 8 are owned by the Falkland Islands Government, two are owned by environmental or conservation groups and 9 are owned privately. Sea Lion Island and Bertha’s Beach, East Falkland, are each a Wetland of International Importance under the 1971 Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. At the request of UK and UKOT Governments, UKOTCF undertook a review of actual and proposed Ramsar Sites across UKOTs and CDs, including Falklands.

Gypsy Cove, part of the proposed Wetland of International Importance under the Ramsar Convention at Cape Peninsula, Stanley Common and Port Harriet.

© Dr Mike Pienkowski
(Projects / Conservation Actions, 2 of 7 - Slide ref. 1217)