Virtual Tours: Falkland Islands
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Features of Natural Interest
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Features of Natural Interest

The islands are treeless and have a wind-resistant vegetation predominantly composed of acid grasslands and a variety of dwarf shrubs. Tussac is one of the most striking habitats to be found in the Falklands in coastal areas, and is formed from almost pure stands of Poa flabellate which attain heights of 2-3 m, with individual stocks of up to 1.5 m in diameter. This grass environment provides nesting sites for 30 species of birds and shelter for sea lions and elephant seals. There are 17 recognised Important Plant Areas (IPAs) for vascular plants. However there are still areas of the archipelago where baseline surveys are required.

Tussac stand on one of the small islands, with human scale

© Dr Mike Pienkowski
(Features of Natural Interest, 3 of 14 - Slide ref. 1189)