Virtual Tours: Pitcairn Islands
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Projects / Conservation Actions

Pitcairn Islanders are working with the international conservation organisation, Pew Environment Group, on the prospect of creating a Marine Protected Area within its Exclusive Economic Zone of 880,000 square kilometres. 

Discussion have included the economic viability of a marine reserve, potential fishing licences and tourism.  Ecotourism is a growing market. Pitcairn's unique biodiversity and cultural heritage, together with World Heritage Site status for Henderson Island, make it a highly desirable ecotourism destination.

A National Geographic Expedition in early 2012, with a focus on marine research, revealed some fascinating information about the 4 Pitcairn Islands. You can read the expedition blog here


This quilt celebrates 200 years since Pitcairn was settled by the Bounty Mutineers (1790 - 1990). It demonstrates the cultural and biodiversity interest of Pitcairn.  It was made by Pitcairners, and is exhibited in the Museum in Adamstown.

© Dr Mike Pienkowski
(Projects / Conservation Actions, 7 of 7 - Slide ref. 500)