Virtual Tours: British Virgin Islands
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The Virgin Islands Environmental Council (VIEC): The VIEC was formed to protest about the proposed development on Beef Island of golf course, marinas and a large number of residences. Concern about this proposal centred on the fact that the area is one of the largest wetland and mangroves areas of the island, a sanctuary for migratory birds, diverse reefs, and a marine protected area. The development proposal was successfully fought, in the courts, by the VIEC. Part of the argument supporting this decision was that within the development area was part of the Hans Creek Fisheries protected area. There was concern when a Court of Appeal decided that legislation for protected areas under the Fisheries legislation was not legally binding. The implications of this finding are still being determined.

VIEC campaigned to prevent large-scale development on Beef Island, which would largely impact its natural, unspoilt environment, illustrated here.

© BVI Heritage Conservation Group
(Projects / Conservation Actions, 21 of 21 - Slide ref. 556)