Virtual Tours: British Virgin Islands
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Features of Other Interest, including Cultural

Columbus gave the islands the fanciful name Santa Ursula y las Once Mil Vírgenes (Saint Ursula and her 11,000 Virgins), shortened to Las Vírgenes (The Virgins), after the legend of Saint Ursula. The official name is the Virgin Islands, but they are usually referred to as “British Virgin Islands” to distinguish from the neighbouring US (formerly Danish) Virgin Islands. You can find out more about the legend of St Ursula here

The BVI flag depicts St Ursula.  Legend has it that this Christian lady, and her virgin handmaidens, were massacred by pagans.  It is said that Columbus was impressed with the many pristine islands of the group, and so named them the Virgin Islands after the legend of St Ursula.

(Features of Other Interest, including Cultural, 2 of 7 - Slide ref. 526)