Virtual Tours: Ascension Island
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Projects / Conservation Actions

The Conservation Team continually endeavours to raise public awareness of Ascension Island’s marine and terrestrial wildlife. Ascension Explorers is a club run during the summer for school children in Years 2-7. The club is a collaboration between Two Boats School and the AIG Conservation Department which aims to equip the children with knowledge about Ascension’s native and endemic species and interesting geological and scientific sites. The children and their parents are able to join in with different activities one day a week throughout the summer holidays. The children are able to explore the incredible biodiversity of the island, therefore enhancing their awareness of conservation and environmental topics. 

Ascension Explorers on a trip to 'The Pines' to plant endemic ferns in their natural habitat. 

© Ascension Island Government Conservation Department
(Projects / Conservation Actions, 31 of 31 - Slide ref. 688)