Virtual Tours: Ascension Island
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Projects / Conservation Actions

In 2004-5, UKOTCF was involved in meeting a request from St Helena to facilitate its development of a strategy to implement its Environment Charter, having previously facilitated the pilot exercise in Turks & Caicos and advised other territories. Visits to St Helena involved several days in Ascension in both directions on each trip. The Governments of UK and Ascension asked UKOTCF to use these visits to help Ascension also to develop a strategy, and UKOTCF did so, by helping add material to the planning documents that Ascension had in hand, in order to make the exercise as light as possible. Ascension adopted the resulting document to guide its work in this area. Unfortunately, shortly afterwards, governance re-arrangements between UK Government and Ascension interrupted this process, but UKOTCF is pleased to hear that its earlier work is again being used to help develop Ascension's approach.

Ascension Island from the sea. 

© Dr Mike Pienkowski
(Projects / Conservation Actions, 3 of 31 - Slide ref. 694)