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Whilst the return of frigatebirds to the mainland is exciting, most individuals still breed on Boatswain Bird Island. This islet is difficult to access, making monitoring of frigatebirds quite a challenge. 2001-2002 saw the last systematic census of frigatebirds on Boatswain Bird Island and, in 2009, nesting birds were counted by researchers from the RSPB visiting Ascension along with the AIG Conservation Team. However, a yearly count of nesting birds is inadequate for providing robust data given the fact that frigatebirds can breed year-round. Consideration of the costs required for regularly accessing Boatswain Bird Island, the potential for disturbing nesting frigatebirds and other seabirds and the possibility of introducing invasive species, drove the AIG Conservation Department to trialling alternative monitoring methods. 

Frigatebird chick getting ready to take its first flight.

© Ascension Island Government Conservation Department
(Projects / Conservation Actions, 12 of 31 - Slide ref. 640)